What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Whilst we were constructing the products we used various forms of audience research. The first bit of research we undertook was a twenty person questionnaire. We gave the questionnaires to twenty people aged between 11 and 17. On the questionnaire we asked relevant questions such as where they first hear about new music videos and what attracts them to a music video. We discovered that the audience first learn about new music videos from their friends, television and the radio. This would influence the way that the texts would be distributed and how we created the texts. We wanted to create something that people would tell their friends about, something fun that would stand out because most people heard about new music videos through their friends.
We also discovered that most peoples favourite movie genre was comedy films. This helped to influence our idea of making a funny, lighthearted music video. We knew that people liked comedy films so a comedic music video would appeal to them. After discovering this from our audience research we decided to do some research on music videos that utilise humour. If it wasn't for the audience research we may not have decided to attempt a tongue in cheek music video.
We also discovered that the audiences favourite music genre is pop music. The song we chose is from the indie-rock genre so our questionnaire didn't really influence our three texts. We chose not to follow our audience research as we did not feel comfortable making a music video for a pop song. We did not think we could make a video that would match the conventions from that genre. Therefore we decided to stick with the indie-rock genre due to the conventions and we are both fans of that music genre.
Our ideas pitch influenced our final music video a lot. The ideas pitch brought up a lot of problems with our original ideas and we had to make a lot of changes to our ideas before we produced our final music video. Whilst the ideas themselves weren't all that bad, they were just very impractical. It would have almost been impossible for us to create the music videos from the original ideas we had. By doing the ideas pitch these issues were pointed out and we could remove them from our plan. The ideas pitch helped us to arrive at our final plan as good points from each idea were kept whilst bad points were removed and we could put together a solid plan that was achievable.
The questionnaire we produced was answered by 11 to 17 year olds. This was both a problem and a strength. Our target audience was teenagers so all of the respondents to the questionnaire fitted into that bracket. This was helpful as it helped us to know what people from our target audience would want and how we could produce something they would enjoy. However, this limited age bracket was also a shortcoming as we were very restricted by the replies we received. Although the respondents were part of our target audience I believe that it would have been useful to get the opinions of people from a wider age range.
Some of the answers we received were a bit vague and not helpful at all. This made it difficult to get good information from the questionnaires. By having open questions in our questionnaire there was always a chance we would receive vague answers. If we chose to have more closed questions we would have received answers that would have been simpler to analyse and gain information from. However, we would have been restricted to the answers we received so we may not have got as good answers.
Our ideas pitch was strong as we received a lot of helpful feedback from our peers. As we presented our pitch to people doing the same task, and our teachers, we received good advice and suitable, practical feedback. They were also part of our target audience so it was good for us to hear their thoughts and feelings about our ideas. We gathered a lot of information and our music video was heavily influenced by our ideas pitch.
When we showed our finished products to our peers we received relatively positive reviews. People thought that the music video was funny and they enjoyed watching it and they would show their friends. However, we were also told that some of the shots looked quite amatuerish and didn't quite work. We were also told that the editing wasn't as good as it could have been and some of the shots were out of sync with the music. We were also told that some of the performance parts of the music video could have been better. The audience said that more planning was required for the video to be improved greatly.
When we showed them the Digipak and magazine advert we received very positive reviews with people liking the colour scheme and the theme that ran throughout. They thought that the crime scene theme was very effective and it fitted in with the music video very well. We were told that the quality of the Digipak and magazine advert was very high and we used Photoshop very well to create the products.
We also showed the video to a group of year 10 students, aged between 14 and 15. They gave us similar feedback to our peers however they enjoyed the video a lot more and were less harsh towards the bad points of the music video. This suggests that younger audiences may not have been focusing on the technical aspects of the music video and were just enjoying the music video as a whole.
The music video was posted on YouTube and Facebook. We received comments on the post giving very similar reviews to our peers. Our music video was also shared by the band themselves and they branded it the "OFFICIAL 'Unofficial' video and said that they enjoyed the music video that we created.
Our music video shared by the band themselves. |
We decided to post our video on Facebook and YouTube as they are very good platforms to share our video with people and receive comments on our productions. By posting it on these sites we received relvant feedback that was important.
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